Vedder Price

Privacy, CyberSecurity & Media Vedder Service

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) went into effect May 25, 2018. Learn more here.

In today’s business environment, protecting confidential and proprietary information is not just a competitive issue; it is a growing regulatory requirement. Our Vedder Price team has the experience to help clients comply with the various laws and standards governing the collection, use, sharing and protection of personal data. We provide a full spectrum of services -- from data breach response, internal investigations and litigation to policy development and industry-specific compliance and regulatory counseling. Our interdisciplinary approach focuses on all aspects of information management, including privacy, data protection and information security, to help prevent data breaches. We have also assembled a rapid-response capability to assist our clients in responding to the legal, operational and reputational risks associated with a data breach.

You can expect considerable legal experience and technical knowledge in the evolving fields of privacy and data security, combined with responsive service tailored to your industry and needs.

Broad, multi-industry credentials and experience. Few segments of our economy have been able to avoid data security breaches. We provide data privacy and security assistance to organizations across a wide range of industries, including banking and financial institutions, retail, health care, life sciences and pharmaceutical, and education as well as to state and local governments.

Comprehensive counsel and guidance—for both addressing and preventing data security incidents. Our attorneys represent public-and private-sector clients affected by data security incidents, including data loss and/or the wrongful disclosure of consumer data or personally identifying information. We provide comprehensive assistance with data security breaches, including customer notification, state and federal regulatory negotiations, and discussions with payment card issuers as well as call center and investor relations communications.

In addition, we can help clients plan for and prevent data security breaches by:

  • Formulating and implementing data privacy policies and procedures, including data collection, security, sharing and processing
  • Developing data security breach plans, including templates, workflows and checklists
  • Investigating and responding to data security incidents and resultant litigation
  • Conducting data privacy and security risk management assessments
  • Providing privacy and data security counseling and training

Primary Contact(s)

Blaine C. Kimrey



Nicole E. Burleson


Marie E. Christiansen


Bryan K. Clark


Christopher T. Collins


Nusra Ismail


Kate L. Jungers


Blaine C. Kimrey


Brian W. Ledebuhr


Jonathan C. Maude


Brian K. McCalmon


Kelly L. Miller


Jeanah Park


Jonathon P. Reinisch


Erica L. Schuman


Jordan A. Sigale


Mark C. Svalina


Rich H. Tilghman


Francisca T. Wolfenson Chimenelli


Gregory G. Wrobel
