Vedder Price

Privacy, CyberSecurity & Media Vedder Service

Vedder Price’s Media, Privacy, and Cybersecurity team provides a full spectrum of services for managing communicative risk—from traditional media litigation and privacy class action defense to prepublication review, policy development, and industry-specific compliance and regulatory counseling. We’ve advised clients for more than 20 years related to their content generation and data-handling needs. Our team is unique in its interdisciplinary approach and depth of experience in all areas relevant to the law of information and technology.

With former journalists on our team, we know what it is like to work in a newsroom and advise media clients accordingly. We also have significant experience managing compliance with “alphabet soup” statutes like the BIPA, TCPA, CAN-SPAM Act, CCPA/CPRA, GDPR, and more, and we engage regularly with law enforcement and regulatory agencies like the FBI, IRS, OCR, FTC, FCC, and CFPB, as well as with state attorneys general and regulators.


Navigating Complex Litigation

Our team helps clients navigate the dynamic and complex media and entertainment field—often driven by the impact of the Internet and emerging technologies. We understand the evolving legal issues and trends, including the interplay of laws, customs and practices of multiple jurisdictions that can apply to the creation and distribution of news, advertising, marketing and entertainment products. We are well-versed in providing counsel in the context of disputes, including the following:

  • Defamation
  • Newsgathering Torts
  • Intellectual Property
  • Right of Publicity


Defending Class Action and Individual Claims

Plaintiffs’ class action lawyers are on the cutting edge of technology, always looking for ways to apply older privacy statutes to new technologies, costing well-meaning companies millions in the process. We are right there with them, matching their creative legal theories with inventive defenses of our own. Our aggressive, innovative approach has often allowed our clients to win dismissal or achieve low-dollar individual settlements while other companies agree to expensive class action settlements. We are well-versed in providing privacy counsel in litigation involving:

  • Data Collection
  • Unsolicited Marketing
  • Data Sharing
  • Security Breaches

Our attorneys have extensive experience handling privacy litigation in jurisdictions nationwide and we have dealt with class action and individual claims related to, among others, the following statutes:

  • Telephone Consumer Protection Act
  • Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
  • Electronic Communications Privacy Act
  • CAN-SPAM Act
  • Video Privacy Protection Act
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
  • Driver’s Privacy Protection Act
  • California Invasion of Privacy Act
  • Biometric Information Privacy Act
  • Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
  • Right of Publicity
  • Genetic Information Privacy Act


Compliance Advising and Incident Response

We work with clients to anticipate, prevent and manage cybersecurity incidents. We can help clients prevent data security incidents before they happen by offering the following services:

  • Drafting policies and procedures
  • Providing training
  • Conducting risk assessments
  • Providing updates on new laws

But even the best-equipped companies must sometimes deal with data security incidents. We’re prepared to spring into action to help you at every step along the way, and our rapid-response capabilities draw upon the strong working relationships we have with the other vitally important professional disciplines that may be needed in order to respond to a data security incident.


Primary Contact(s)

Blaine C. Kimrey



Nicole E. Burleson


Marie E. Christiansen


Bryan K. Clark


Christopher T. Collins


Nusra Ismail


Kate L. Jungers


Blaine C. Kimrey


Brian W. Ledebuhr


Javier A. Lopez


Jonathan C. Maude


Brian K. McCalmon


Kelly L. Miller


Sergio Eduardo Molina


Jeanah Park


Jonathon P. Reinisch


Keeley A. Sawyer


Erica L. Schuman


Mark C. Svalina


Rich H. Tilghman


Francisca T. Wolfenson Chimenelli


Gregory G. Wrobel
