Vedder Price

Vedder Price Represents Deerfield Agency in Its Acquisition of Embedded

Vedder Price is pleased to announce that it represented Deerfield Agency, a portfolio company of The Edgewater Funds, in its acquisition of Embedded.

Vedder Price is pleased to announce that it represented Deerfield Agency, a portfolio company of The Edgewater Funds, in its acquisition of Embedded.  The Vedder team for Deerfield Agency and The Edgewater Funds is led by President & CEO Michael Nemeroff and Corporate Shareholder Joseph Bueche and also includes Associates Alexa Zelmanowicz and Allie Brydell, Finance Shareholder Marie Godush and Associate Rory Koenig, and Executive Compensation Shareholder Daniel Lange and Associate Olivia Ustupski.

To read more about the deal, click here.

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