Copyrights Vedder Service
The explosion of data and the revolution created by computers, the Internet and electronic commerce have propelled copyright law to a significant position within our intellectual property practice.
In addition to the filing and prosecution of applications for copyright registration on websites, publications, software, audiovisual materials and a variety of other copyrightable works, the firm has experience with complex legal issues involving obtaining protection for interactive software and electronic databases, addressing copyright ownership issues for works of authorship created by employees and independent contracts, and obtaining protection of copyright rights around the world. Vedder Price’s intellectual property attorneys have prepared publishing agreements, software licenses and end-user agreements for authors and publishers in fields ranging from music and the arts to education and construction.
Vedder Price’s intellectual property attorneys also have extensive experience both enforcing and defending against copyright infringement claims in the federal courts. The firm has assisted clients in protecting their valuable copyrights through litigation, and defended clients who have been accused of copyright infringement, obtaining favorable resolutions through litigation and by settlement.
November 12, 2019 | Publication
March 2019 | Newsletter