Vedder Price Bankruptcy Group Ranked 6th in the United States
Vedder Price's Corporate Reorganization, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Group has been ranked number 6 in the United States in terms of total volume for the First Quarter of 2010. The firm's practice concentrates on the representation of lenders in bankruptcy, insolvency and workout-related matters.
Source: The Deal Pipeline, Bankruptcy League Tables, May 2010.
Vedder Thinking | News Vedder Price Bankruptcy Group Ranked 6th in the United States
Press Release
May 2010
Vedder Price's Corporate Reorganization, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Group has been ranked number 6 in the United States in terms of total volume for the First Quarter of 2010. The firm's practice concentrates on the representation of lenders in bankruptcy, insolvency and workout-related matters.
Source: The Deal Pipeline, Bankruptcy League Tables, May 2010.

Michael M. Eidelman
Shareholder, Chair of Shareholder Affiliations
+1 (312) 609 7636