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Vedder Thinking | News Daniel Stander Authors "Employment Law and the Metaverse: Square Peg, Round Hole?" as Featured in Future of Work

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Employment Associate Daniel Stander recently authored the article “Employment Law and the Metaverse: Square Peg, Round Hole?” for the Future of Work publication. His article identifies the role that the “metaverse” will eventually play in the workplace as its supporting technology and office culture continues to develop. The metaverse refers to the computer-generated, interactive world made accessible through computers and supporting devices.

Daniel notes both the positive and negative outcomes that implementing this new technology could entail, focusing on the need to incorporate internal policies to protect both employers and employees from virtual harassment, workplace data breeches and other potential issues.

A member of the firm’s London office, Daniel’s background entails day-to-day employment issues, with a particular interest in employee wellbeing. For full access to Daniel’s article, click here.


Daniel Stander
