Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | News Class Claims Against Law School Client Defeated

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In one of a series of cases that has attracted national attention, a lawsuit against Vedder Price client The John Marshall Law School was dismissed on November 9, 2012. After oral argument, Judge Mary L. Mikva granted John Marshall’s motion to dismiss a putative class action lawsuit alleging that it had misrepresented post-graduate employment and salary statistics. Jorie Johnson, et al v. The John Marshall Law School.  This case was one of 15 brought against law schools throughout the country and one of three brought against Chicago area law schools complaining that law students are not obtaining the type of jobs they thought they would get upon graduation. 

Although the case was filed by three plaintiffs, all former students, one of them was dismissed after it was brought out that he had not passed the Illinois bar. Judge Mikva ruled that the other plaintiffs did not state claims under common law fraud, misrepresentation or the Illinois Consumer Protection Act.  The lawsuits against the two other Chicago area law school also have been dismissed.

Vedder Price litigation team Bruce Alper, Joe Strubbe and Travis Quick represented The John Marshall Law School.