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Vedder Thinking | News Shareholder Daniel Shulman Featured on CenterForce IP and AI Strategy Podcast Series

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Shareholder Daniel Shulman was a featured speaker at The AI Strategy Summit: IP, Data and Compliance – Chicago, hosted by CenterForce on May 30, 2024. Daniel’s seminar “Throwing a Ball in the House—Why Your Parents Taught You to be Careful with AI” focused on the role of the in-house counsel while determining the risks that arise with the implementation of artificial intelligence into modern business practices.

In addition to his attendance at the conference, Daniel also appeared on a recent episode of CenterForce’s IP & AI Strategy Series podcast. In the episode “Future-Proofing AI: Navigating the Regulatory and Compliance Challenges – A Former GC's Perspective,” Daniel delves into the essential focus areas and strategies for legal teams and general counsel members that are shaping their company’s AI policies.

To listen to the full podcast, click here.


Daniel H. Shulman
