Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | Events Edward K. Gross Presents at ELFA Convention

Special Event

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October 23, 2023

Edward K. Gross, a shareholder and member of the firm’s Global Transportation Finance team presented at the Equipment Leasing and Finance Association (ELFA) convention on October 23, 2023. 

Mr. Gross participated in the “Legal News CEOs can Use” session during which he and his co-panelists discussed recent Federal and state regulatory matters, the 2022 UCC Amendments and recent cases, all relevant to equipment financing. Mr. Gross spoke about the impact of the 2022 UCC Amendments on capital markets transactions and to “bundled transaction,” including structuring and documenting these transactions. 

For additional information on the ELFA conference, click here



Edward K. Gross



Edward K. Gross
