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Vedder Thinking | News Edward K. Gross Co-Authors "Leases" Survey in the ABA's Fall 2024 The Business Lawyer

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Shareholder Edward K. Gross of the Global Transportation Finance practice team recently co-authored the article “Leases” included in a collection of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) survey articles in the Fall 2024 edition of The Business Lawyer.

Published annually, the UCC survey and articles cover case law and statutory developments during the previous year with respect to the spectrum of commercial law matters governed by the UCC. This year’s “Leases” article discusses several disputes among parties to equipment leases or other personal property financings and cases involving third parties claiming to have related rights or interests.

The article includes summaries of various equipment leasing disputes, with Mr. Gross contributing to the sections “Lease Characterization and Damages,” “Vicarious Liability,” Forum Selection Clauses” and “Rights of Assignees” alongside his co-authors. Throughout the essay, the authors examine fundamental issues related to leasing, including commercial enforcement, bankruptcy protections and the rights and liabilities of involved parties and third parties.

The Business Lawyer is an American Bar Association publication with a circulation of over 60,000 readers containing articles on developing trends in the legal field and case law analysis. For full access to the article, click here.


Edward K. Gross
