Vedder Price

Vedder Thinking | Articles Buying and Selling Businesses: 2014 Edition


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The purchase or sale of a business is one of the most challenging activities a businessperson can undertake. The success or failure of the transaction is due in large part to the associated business decisions. However, a team of concerned professionals—investment bankers, accountants and attorneys—can have a substantial bearing on the success of the transaction as well.

Major corporate transactions are inevitably complicated and move with a speed that does not permit on-the-job training for the professional team. Consequently, it is essential to have a team in place that is experienced and equipped to handle the challenges involved.

Buying and Selling Businesses, authored by a team of accomplished Vedder Price attorneys in the firm's Finance and Transactions group, is a valuable resource for anyone involved in the purchase or sale of a business.

To download Buying and Selling Businesses, please click the link below.


Guy E. Snyder


Igor Potym


John T. Blatchford
