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Vedder Thinking | Events Accountants' Liability: Litigation and Issues in the Financial Crisis


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July 8-9, 2010

John H. Eickemeyer will be presenting the ALI-ABA course of study Accountants' Liability: Litigation and Issues in the Financial Crisis on July 8-9, 2010.

This course can be attended live onsite or via live webcast.

For more information please visit

Are you prepared to capitalize on the litigation against financial companies and accountants generated by the recent economic crisis? Are you prepared to provide the informed representation that accounting professionals need?

New federal securities class action filings surged in 2008 in the wake of the financial crisis. Almost half of the new filings targeted financial companies and more than 40% were related directly to the subprime/liquidity crisis. Most of the suits took aim at accounting irregularities, and many of the suits named accounting firms. The number of new federal class action filings tapered off in 2009, but the number and value of securities class action settlements ballooned in 2009 by 35% over the previous year, according to a recent report by the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse.

If you’re involved in the litigation, or affected by it, you need this course to understand the issues that are driving it and to better counsel your clients.

Savvy practitioners appreciate the way this course addresses all the key challenges and hazards confronting the accounting profession today, including changes in the nation’s financial regulatory structures and their effect on the accounting profession, new auditing and accounting standards, the internationalization of accounting standards, the trend from “principle-based” to “rule-based” accounting, and the growing popular perception of accountants as watchdogs for the public.